Which Animal Phylum Has Greater Complexity Than Urochordata?
Comparative Reproduction
Fabio Gasparini , Loriano Ballarin , in Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition), 2018
Tunicates or Urochordates are the closest relatives of vertebrates. They are marine filter-feeding animals, plant at all the latitudes, and can assume a planktonic or benthic lifestyle. They are, with few exceptions, hermaphroditic animals with an indirect evolution: nigh all the tunicate species accept a tadpole swimming larva. Coloniality is widespread and a larval stage followed by metamorphosis is the rule in the class Ascidiacea. Blooms of pelagic tunicates are quite common in warm seasons: their ecological relevance relies on the primal role they play in the alimentary chain of open seas.
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Molecular Breeding of Woody Plants
Satoshi Kimura , Takao Itoh , in Progress in Biotechnology, 2001
The tunicates (urochordates) are the but animals known to produce highly crystalline cellulose 1 . The proper name "Tunicata" is derived from the unique integumentary tissue chosen the "tunic", which contains the cellulose microfibrils. To date, cellulose I microfibrils have been found in almost all of the ascidians and thaliaceans ii,3 . Thus, the cellulosic composition of the tunic is considered to be a feature common to ascidians and thaliaceans in animals belonging to the subphylum Tunicata.
The appendicularians is some other group in the Tunicata. Although molecular phylogeny based on 18S rDNA sequences suggested that appendicularians share a common ancestor with the other groups of tunicates 4,5 , they do not possess the tunic as an integumentary tissue. On the other hand, the appendicularians secrete a airship-like, gelatinous structure chosen a "firm" that acts as a feeding apparatus 6 . It is possible that the house corresponds to a kind of tunic in the appendicularians, simply it is not yet clear whether the business firm contains cellulose. Therefore, information technology is necessary to clarify the beingness of cellulose in the appendicularian business firm to understand the evolutionary pathway of cellulose biosynthesis in the tunicates.
The nowadays study focused on the existence and label of cellulose in the appendicularian house. Our investigation provides a key to understanding whether the ability for cellulose synthesis is universal in the tunicates.
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Tunicate Immunology
John DeFilippo , Gregory Brook , in Reference Module in Life Sciences, 2018
Tunicate Characteristics
Tunicates are a diverse clade of filter-feeding marine invertebrates, with a diet subsisting mostly of phytoplankton. Their name is descriptive of their hard, leathery outer covering, or "tunic", which is made of cellulose and serves as a protective exoskeleton. Their size and shape are quite variable, and they can be lone or colonial (compound), and sessile, benthic, or pelagic. The paraphyletic Ascidiacea is by far the largest and most diverse of the Tunicata classes. There are some iii g species of these benthic or sessile ascidians, over twenty times as many species as the other two classes of pelagic tunicates, Thaliacea (which include sea salps, doliolids, and pyrosomes), and Appendicularia or Larvacea, combined (Kocot et al., 2018; Kingdom of the netherlands, 2016). Ascidians are likewise known as sea squirts owing to how they contract and eject water out of siphons on contact. About tunicates are hermaphroditic, assuasive for both sexual likewise as asexual means, which facilitates their population expansion. In solitary ascidians sexual reproduction is more mutual, while colonial ascidians tin can reproduce past both sexual as well every bit asexual reproduction via budding. Hermaphroditic ascidians brandish self-incompatibility (SI) at fertilization (Nonaka and Satake, 2010). Appendicularians have a cosmopolitan distribution, and unusual for tunicates, accept separate sexes, reproducing sexually. The asexual reproductive component of tunicates is likewise idea to be involved in their ability to regenerate torso parts, maybe through budding (Holland, 2016). For instance, while solitary tunicates do not possess a defined vascular organization (Lemaire, 2011), the invasive colonial star ascidian Botryllus schlosseri has the ability to regenerate the entirety of its torso solely from its vasculature. Colonies of uniform tunicates can too recognize each other and fuse into a single chimeric organism through fusion of their vasculature. And in a mode akin to mammalian allograft rejection incompatible colonies volition refuse each other (run into below) and not fuse (Voskoboynik et al., 2013).
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Gastrulation: From Embryonic Pattern to Course
Konner K. Winkley , ... William C. Smith , in Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 2020
Tunicates are a various group of invertebrate marine chordates that includes the larvaceans, thaliaceans, and ascidians. Because of their unique evolutionary position equally the sister group of the vertebrates, tunicates are invaluable as a comparative model and agree the promise of revealing both conserved and derived features of chordate gastrulation. Descriptive studies in a broad range of tunicates have revealed several important unifying traits that make them unique amongst the chordates, including invariant jail cell lineages through gastrula stages and an overall morphological simplicity. Gastrulation has only been studied in particular in ascidians such as Ciona and Phallusia, where it involves a uncomplicated cup-shaped gastrula driven primarily by endoderm invagination. This appears to differ significantly from vertebrate models, such as Xenopus, in which mesoderm convergent extension and epidermal epiboly are major contributors to involution. These differences may reflect the cellular simplicity of the ascidian embryo.
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Origin and Functions of Tunicate Hemocytes
Francesca Cima , ... Loriano Ballarin , in The Evolution of the Allowed Organization, 2016
1 Introduction
Tunicates, or urochordates, are a subphylum of the phylum Chordata, sharing with other members of the phylum: (1) a permanent or temporary notochord, in the form of a dorsal rod; (ii) a key nervous system, in the form of a dorsal tube; (iii) a pharynx provided with gill slits or pharyngeal pouches, and a ventral gland secreting iodoproteins (endostyle or thyroid); and (iv) a muscular tail.
Tunicates are considered the sister grouping of vertebrates, 1 forming with the latter the clade Olfactoria. Recently, it has been proposed to classify them equally a phylum inside the superphylum Chordata. two They are traditionally subdivided in three classes: (1) Ascidiacea (benthic and sessile), (two) Thaliacea, and (3) Larvacea or Appendicularia (pelagic).
Ascidians take a free-pond, tadpole-like larva, an adult sac-like trunk with two siphons that let h2o flux, and a large branchial basket, provided with a ventral endostyle that secretes the mucous net required for filtration. They comprise two orders: Enterogona (including the suborders Phlebobranchia and Aplousobranchia) and Pleurogona (with the suborder Stolidobranchia). 3 Thaliaceans include 3 orders: the colonial Pyrosomida, and the solitary/colonial Doliolida and Salpida. They have a barrel-like developed body, and, with the exception of Doliolida, are devoid of larval stages. 4,5 Larvaceans or appendicularians resemble the ascidian larvae and use the tail to create the water current for filtration; filters are included in the gelatinous house secreted by the animals themselves. four Most of the recent authors consider larvaceans as a sister group of the other tunicates, and thaliaceans as a sister grouping of Enterogona five–ten (Fig. 2.1).
Figure 2.1. Phylogenetic tree of Tunicates.
Ascidians include well-nigh 2300 species, and virtually of the information on tunicate hemocytes comes from studies on this group of organisms. This review will, then, focus mainly on ascidian hemocytes and will discuss their function in immunity. Where possible, information on circulating cells of pelagic tunicates will be added.
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International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
Valentina P. Gallo , ... Enrico Crivellato , in International Review of Jail cell and Molecular Biological science, 2016
six.2 Chordata
Tunicates or urochordates (appendicularians, salps, and sea squirts), cephalochordates (lancelets) and vertebrates plant the three extant groups of chordate animals. Traditionally, cephalochordates are considered as the closest living relatives of vertebrates, while tunicates should represent the earliest chordate lineage. Notwithstanding phylogenetic analyses of genomic information betoken a strong affinity between tunicates and vertebrates whereas cephalochordates should be more distantly related (Delsuc et al., 2006). To investigate the evolution of the catecholaminergic system in Chordata, the presence and distribution of CA and OA were studied in the central nervous organisation of adult amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) belonging to cephalochordates. The results evidenced in amphioxus caput the presence of significant amounts of DA and OA, as in most protostomian species, simply not of N (Moret et al., 2004). The absence of Due north suggested that, equally regards Chordata, the vertebrate noradrenergic organization could be an innovation appeared along with the neural crest, a multipotent embryonic cell population unique to vertebrates. Neural crest cells produce both epithelial and mesenchymal derivatives every bit peripheral neurons, glia, and neurosecretory cells of the thyroid and adrenal medulla, which synthesizes and secretes the CA, after migrating from the dorsal neural tube to definitive positions. No migrating neural crest cells have been discovered in amphioxus to date, fifty-fifty if the expression of specific early neural crest genes was detected in lateral neural plate or in the surrounding ectoderm in amphioxus embryos (Meulemans and Bronner-Fraser, 2002). On the other hand, in the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata belonging to urocordates, Jeffery et al. (2004) demonstrated the presence of cells emerging from the neural tube and migrating into the body wall and subsequently differentiating into pigment cells. These cells express HNK-1 antigen and Zic factor, markers of vertebrate neural crest cells, suggesting that migratory cells with some of the features of neural crest cells are present in urochordates. Subsequently Jeffery et al. (2008) investigated the embryonic origin, migratory action, and neural crest related factor expression patterns of neural crest-like cells (NCLC) in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. The results suggest that NCLC of tunicates and neural crest cells of vertebrates may be homologous cell types originating in a mutual antecedent and support the possibility that a putative regulatory network governing NCLC evolution was coopted to produce neural crest cells during vertebrate evolution. As regards a catecholaminergic system in urochordates, in Ciona was demonstrated the presence of genes encoding for TH and DβH, but not of a gene encoding for PNMT, then adrenergic neurons are probably absent-minded in Ciona (Horie et al., 2009). In the ascidian Phallusia nigra, De Barros et al. (2012) studied the outcome of Due north on the product of nitric oxide (NO) by hemocytes. NO is an important modulator of the immune system, and the results suggested that North may induce a decrease in the immune part via specific hemocyte receptors. No data are available regarding OA in urochordates.
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Cytotoxic Cells of Compound Ascidians
Nicola Franchi , Loriano Ballarin , in Lessons in Amnesty, 2016
Tunicates or Urochordates are a subphylum of the phylum Chordata (Fig. xiv.1). The realization that they stand for the sister group of vertebrates i led to a renewed interest toward this grouping of organisms and stimulated a flourishing of research dealing with them. Tunicates traditionally include iii classes: the benthic and sessile Ascidiacea (ascidians), the pelagic Thaliacea, and Larvacea (or Appendicularia).
Effigy xiv.1. Phylogenetic relationships among tunicates. Ascidians, marked by filled rectangles, are polyphyletic. According to Delsuc et al., ane vertebrates stand for the tunicate sis group. Light grey: lone ascidian species; dark greyness: colonial ascidian species.
From Voskoboynik A, Neff NF, Sahoo D, Newman AM, Pushkarev D, Koh W, et al. The genome sequence of the colonial chordate, Botryllus schlosseri. Elife 2013;ii:e00569, modified according to Tsagkogeorga G, Turon X, Hopcroft RR, Tilak MK, Feldstein T, Shenkar N, et al. An updated 18S rRNA phylogeny of tunicates based on mixture and secondary construction models. BMC Evol Biol 2009;9:187 and Tatián Grand, Lagger C, Demarchi M, Mattoni C. Molecular phylogeny endorses the relationship between carnivorous and filter-feeding tunicates (Tunicata, Ascidiacea). Zool Scr 2011;40:603–12.Ascidians have an indirect development, with some exceptions in Molgulids, ii–4 and a free-pond, tadpolelike larva, which metamorphoses into a saclike adult. With the exception of the carnivorous species, one time considered a carve up class of tunicates (Sorberacea five ) and today included inside the family Molgulidae, 4 adult ascidians are provided with 2 siphons, which permit h2o flux, and a voluminous branchial basket provided with a ventral endostyle secreting the mucous net required for filtration. Ascidians comprise two orders: Enterogona, with two suborders (Aplousobranchia and Phlebobranchia), and Pleurogona, with the order Stolidobranchia (Burighel and Cloney five ). Thaliaceans include three orders: the colonial Pyrosomida, Doliolida, and Salpida, which alternating solitary and colonial phases in their life cycles; they have a barrel-like adult body and, with the exception of Doliolida, are devoid of larval stages. 6,7 Larvaceans or appendicularians resemble the ascidian larvae in morphology and utilise the tail to create the h2o electric current for filtration; filters are included in the gelled house secreted by the animals themselves. 6 Ascidians include virtually 2300 species and coloniality developed independently many times within the taxon: Aplousobranchia are all colonial, while Phlebobranchia and Stolidobranchia include both solitary and colonial species (Fig. xiv.ane). 8,nine
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Intestinal Regeneration
José E. García-Arrarás , in Regenerative Medicine Applications in Organ Transplantation, 2014
35.iv.3 Tunicates
Tunicates or ascidians are deuterostomes closely related to chordates. Some of these organisms show astonishing regenerative properties. For case, colonial species are known to regenerate their complete body from a group of cells named "blood cells." In terms of the digestive tract, experiments accept been done where animals were cutting in one-half and gut regeneration was determined [126]. RA inhibition either past drugs or by RNAi against RA synthesizing enzymes inhibited gut regeneration. It has been suggested that in tunicates, RA plays a role in the transdifferentiation of the atrial epithelium into the gut tissue. Yet, although RA appears to exist involved in initiating regeneration, its function is non exclusive to initial regeneration but might as well be involved in different roles at other regeneration stages. The modulation past RA likewise shows the importance of RA in modulating activity of Hox genes and in establishing anterior–posterior polarity in almost animals.
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Inflammatory Response of the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis
Parrinello Nicolò , ... Vizzini Aiti , in Lessons in Immunity, 2016
Tunicates (urochordates) are retained equally the closest living relatives of vertebrates. 1,2 They share components of innate immune responses with vertebrates. iii The bounding main squirt Ciona intestinalis is a noncolonial ascidian that lives mainly in clusters fixed in natural and artificial substrates. It is a simultaneous hermaphrodite, and the swimming modest (about 2500 cells) tadpole is comprised of a notochord and dorsal neural tube. Contempo reports have shown genetic divergence betwixt populations, suggesting a species-divergence process. 4 Phylogenies inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers accredited the existence of 2 cryptic species: C. intestinalis sp. A, genetically homogeneous, distributed in the Mediterranean Ocean, Northeast Atlantic, and Pacific, and C. intestinalis sp. B in the North Atlantic. The contempo papers past Pennati et al. 5 and Brunetti et al., 6 based on morphological comparisons between adults and larvae of the types A and B, distinguish two species, Ciona robusta and C. intestinalis, respectively. Nosotros report the innate allowed system of ascidians from the Mediterranean Ocean, and it is reasonable that structures and functions of this system could be largely conserved vii,8 in microevolution. The Ciona whole genome has been sequenced and analyzed (about 16,000 protein-coding genes annotated), and a large number of them take single copies. nine Further molecular analysis between immune genes from the two species and populations could disclose the deviation level of their sequences. In accordance with the previously published papers, in the present review the species nomenclature will be reported as C. intestinalis.
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Brains of Primitive Chordates
J.C. Glover , B. Fritzsch , in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2009
The urochordate subphylum includes the ascidians, the thaliaceans, and the appendicularians. Near all ascidians, some thaliaceans, and all appendicularians have a gratis-swimming larval stage with a notochord and a small primal nervous system that announced homologous to the same structures in craniates. In contrast to the rather compatible appearance of the neuraxis of cephalochordates, the larval ascidian and larval and adult appendicularian cardinal nervous systems are organized into an obvious tripartite structure ( Effigy 2 ). The three divisions are (1) a rostral ganglion (totaling approximately 215 cells in the ascidian Ciona and approximately 75 cells in the appendicularian Oikopleura), which contains sensory receptor structures, including an ocellus and/or an otolith, followed by (2) a caudal ganglion (containing approximately 45 cells in Ciona and approximately 25 neurons in Oikopleura), from which extends (3) a caudal nerve cord (containing approximately 65 cells, generally ependymal, in Ciona, and approximately 30 neurons and 25 support cells in Oikopleura). In improver, the rostral and caudal ganglia are continued by a nervus body in appendicularians or a slender 'neck' region containing nerve cells in ascidians. Other urochordate taxa seem to exhibit primarily variations in size but non in construction. The ganglia of urochordates accept the organization of an invertebrate ganglion, with cell bodies at the periphery and a neuropil in the center. Several nerves that vary considerably between species have been traced from developed ganglia, reaching up to 75 nerves in sure salps. These nerves appear to be mixed sensory and motor nerves and are asymmetric in several species, potentially related to the overall body asymmetry.
The organization of motor projections varies among urochordates. In ascidian larvae, all the motor neurons (three to v pairs in different species) are located in the caudal ganglion and projection along the predominantly aneural nerve cord before exiting to innervate the peripheral muscle. In appendicularians, both the caudal ganglion and the nerve cord comprise motor neurons, whose axons projection laterally to the peripheral musculus either directly or after extending some distance in the cord.
Comparisons between urochordates and cephalochordates claim similarities in sensory organs inside the fundamental nervous arrangement, in particular the infundibular sensory cells and otolith. The ciliated funnel, which extends to one side of the rostral ganglion, is believed to be homologous to the pituitary. However, the interpretation of homologies for most sensory cells and sensory organs outside the central nervous organisation is contended. Some adult urochordates take fairly complex eyes attached to the cerebral ganglion. There is a marked asymmetry in the organization of central and peripheral sensory structures.
No big neurons with descending axons that might exist homologous to the large reticulospinal neurons of craniates have been described in urochordates, although in that location are some large cells within the rostral ganglion that could subserve a similar office.
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